Sultan Kudarat farmers receive Php12.8-M worth of farm equipment
The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) has recently turned over Php12.8 million worth of common service facilities (CSFs) to seven agrarian reform beneficiary organizations (ARBOs) in Sultan Kudarat.
Provincial Agrarian Reform Program Officer II Rodolfo Alburo said the facilities, procured under the Agrarian Reform Community Connectivity and Economic Support Services (ARCCESS) seek to improve farm productivity and develop business entrepreneurship for the agrarian reform beneficiaries.
“This year, it is possible that same ARBOs will again receive another set of CSFs to improve the income of farmers by increasing productivity and lowering costs thru mechanization of the farm industry especially in the agrarian reform areas,” said Alburo.
ARCCESS Point person Ildefonso Buenacosa, Jr. said the ARB organizations were selected according to the maturity level of the organization.
“Once beneficiary organizations are selected, respective leaders will choose the type of CSFs according to their needs subject, however, to the evaluation and assessment of experts from partner state colleges and universities” he added.
He said series of workshops and orientations are needed to ensure that recipient organizations are ready and prepared to receive the project. (Jose Jemuel Dael)