[Feature] Investing in the Future: How supporting the students of today benefits the agricultural sector as a whole

In the face of financial difficulties, Daisy Mallo's journey to becoming a licensed agriculturist illustrates the strength of determination and the positive impact of education. She received the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) Scholarship, which demonstrates how targeted assistance can propel individuals from challenging circumstances to successful careers and ultimately benefit the agricultural sector as a whole.

Initially hesitant about pursuing agriculture, Daisy seized the opportunity when DAR offered scholarships to incoming first-year college students. Her parents encouraged her to take advantage of this opportunity. The DAR Scholarship Program for the Dependents of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (DSP-DARBs) aims to give qualified dependents of agrarian reform program beneficiaries the chance to study and complete a four-year college degree course related to agriculture in state universities and colleges. Financial support is provided through a competitive screening system.

Although Daisy did not initially have a passion for agriculture, she grew to love the course she enrolled in over time. With support from DAR, Daisy was motivated to strive for better education, eventually graduating as a Cum Laude and receiving the Researcher of the Year Award.

During the 2020 pandemic, the scholarship greatly helped Daisy and her family by providing for their daily needs. Despite the challenges brought by the pandemic, Daisy was able to continue her studies with assistance from the scholarship.

Daisy Mallo, a scholar of DSP-DARBs, donning her graduation attire

An inspiration to persevere

Daisy viewed the scholarship as a valuable experience that helped her personal growth. It taught her the importance of maintaining good grades and staying focused on her goals. She recognized the positive impact of the scholarship, as it inspired many students to pursue agriculture after learning about her journey and encouraged them to take full advantage of the opportunities available to them.

Today, as a licensed agriculturist and a committed member of the Field Validation Team under Project SPLIT of DAR, Daisy embodies the scholarship program's objective of nurturing skilled and passionate professionals in the agriculture sector. Her journey serves as a source of inspiration for aspiring students, proving that with perseverance, education can lead to positive change. She is also eager to continue collaborating with the agency that provided her with numerous opportunities while she was still a student.

"I want to express my gratitude for the four years that I was a scholar," she said.

In conclusion, Daisy urged her fellow scholars to remain focused on their future goals. She emphasized the importance of seizing the opportunities presented by the scholarship program, not only for financial gain, but also for personal growth and future prospects.

"Keep fighting whatever battles you are facing right now. Always remember that there are many people rooting for your success," she said.

Daisy Mallo receiving the certificate from PARPO II Rizzel Villanueva, Assistant Secretary Vinci Araullo Beltran, Director Agnes Mendoza, and PARPO II Daisy Dell Degamon of DAR Central Office