Procurement of Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform

  • Office
    Central Office
  • Status
  • Date Started
    September 3, 2018
  • Date Closed
    September 24, 2018

Invitation to Bid

  1. Procurement of Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform

Bidding Documents

  1. Bidding Document for the Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform (Volume II - Lot 5)
  2. Bidding Document for the Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform (Volume II - Lot 4)
  3. Bidding Document for the Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform (Volume II - Lot 3)
  4. Bidding Document for the Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform (Volume II - Lot 2)
  5. Bidding Document for the Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform (Volume II - Lot 1)
  6. Bidding Document for the Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform (Volume I)

Supplemental Bid Bulletins

  1. Supplemental Bid Bulletin No. 2 (Attachment) for the Procurement of Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform
  2. Supplemental Bid Bulletin No. 2 for the Procurement of Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform
  3. Supplemental Bid Bulletin No. 1 for the Procurement of Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform


  1. Resolution Recommending Award of Contract to R.U. Foundry and Machine Shop Corporation for Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 4, for the Procurement of Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform

Notices of Award

  1. Notice of Award for the Procurement of Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform (Lot 1)
  2. Notice of Award for the Procurement of Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform (Lot 2)
  3. Notice of Award for the Procurement of Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform (Lot 4)

Notices to Proceed

  1. Notice to Proceed for the Procurement of Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform (Lot 1)
  2. Notice to Proceed for the Procurement of Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform (Lot 2)
  3. Notice to Proceed for the Procurement of Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform (Lot 4)


  1. Contract Agreement for the Procurement of Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform (Lot 1)
  2. Contract Agreement for the Procurement of Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform (Lot 2)
  3. Contract Agreement for the Procurement of Solar-Powered Irrigation System for the Climate Resilient Farm Productivity Support Project of the Department of Agrarian Reform (Lot 4)