Farm equipments to boost farmer-beneficiaries groups in Cebu
The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) recently conducted an orientation on the maintenance and proper handling of common service facilities (CSFs) for five agrarian reform beneficiaries organizations (ARBOs) in Cebu to boost their agricultural activities.
The farm equipments, procured under the Agrarian Reform Community Connectivity and Economic Support Services (ARCCESS) of the DAR, include: eight (8) units of hand tractor with implements; disc plow; mouldboard type side plow; cage wheel; leveler; heavy duty trailer (1 ton capacity). The equipments, which cost P181,636.00 each, were put to test by the operators from the ARBOs.
Regional Director Alejandro Otacan said the ARBOs to benefit from the CSFs are Kalangajan Farmers Consumer Coop (KFCC) in Tuburan, Agrarian Reform Community Beneficiaries multi-purpose cooperative (ARCBMPC) in Naga City, Esperanza Farmers Association (ESFA) in Aloguinsan, Cabcaban Farmers for Rural Development (CFARD) in Barili, and the Panaghugpong sa Molupyo sa Colonia (PAMOCO) in Tuburan town.
“These farm equipments will help our farmers increase their corn and vegetable production. It also help them work faster and have extra time in doing other farm chores,” Otacan said.
On the other hand, Assistant Regional Director Antonio del Socorro said the orientation is very important to the farmers in maintaining the smooth operations of CSF.
ARCCESS strengthens the ARB organizations by building them as hubs of support services in the community which are expected to contribute to increasing ARB household incomes and improve resiliency of ARB households.